While uploading a meaningful video on your financial webpage helps, it is useless if there is no “call to action” evoked by it. Whatever action you want the financial advisor website visitors to take, has to be communicated to them precisely. A common theory is that pushing customers too much will drive them away from the financial webpage. However, there is nothing wrong in presenting the products like a solution via the financial planner website.
A call to action can take many forms:
- Free tele-seminar by financial webpage – sign up!
- Click to visit X and sign up for more information about financial organization
- For free consultation by our financial firm fill out the form below
- Apply for a special financial website program – enter your information
Do you want the financial webpage visitor to:
- Click the “Buy Now” button on the financial professional website?
- Watch another video on the website for financial professionals?
- Take some other step?
The logistics of a call to action within a financial website video varies upon the type and location of the video, and the rules of the site where the financial webpage video is hosted.
Text on Video
Tell the viewers of the financial website videos what action to take after the video, by adding it across the screen of the video in the form of a text message.
Mention in Video
The financial advisor video captures the attention of the audience by providing them information and telling what action to take next.
Clickable Video
Link financial website viewers to the desired page of the financial professional website when they click on the video. It can be done with software & video tools.
Video Descriptions
You can try including call to actions for your financial planner webpage within the video descriptions. The rules of the hosting site should be followed as they outline how you can link your financial website and how promotional the financial professional website videos can be.
The “next step” should come to visitors naturally and subtly so you need to keep in mind that the call to action by the financial website video meets the requirements of the target audience perfectly.